
Being an aspiring student or professional, now you can enjoy the privilege of payment membership fee of foreign professional and scientific institutions and fees for application, registration, admission, examination (TOEFL, SAT etc.) in connection with admission into foreign educational institutions via internet with Bank Asia Virtual Card.

  • Pay & Pick
  • Safe



Online payment of foreign education and membership fees through internet

How To Use It

No physical card shall be provided other than a virtual card number., security code and expiry date that will be provided to cardholder for making the transaction using these data through internet


Payment of membership fee of foreign professional and scientific institutions and fees for application, registration, admission, examination (TOEFL, SAT etc.) in connection with admission in foreign educational institutions

Target customers

Aspiring students of School, College, Universities or professionals who intend to secure foreign education or membership



This is a prepaid Card

Fees & Charges

  • BDT 500
  • 2% markup shall be imposed on transaction amount
  • As per practice payment will be received against BC selling rate

Product Type


  • Virtual
  • No physical plastic shall be issued (virtual card concept)

How to get it

  • Upon receiving of application through prescribed format along with relevant documents and money through branch or Cards Department, virtual card will be issued